NEW! Battery Recycling:

Bring your batteries to Riverside for recycling! Grade 1 students in Mrs. Bell-Scott’s class are passionately promoting this initiative at Riverside.  They have written letters and created posters to promote battery recycling.  Here are some of their reasons:

YOU SHOULD recycle batteries so they don’t break down in the landfill and poison our water and soil. YOU SHOULD recycle batteries so contaminated water and soil doesn’t hurt animals and plants. YOU SHOULD recycle batteries so they don’t fill up our landfill sites and pollute our earth. When you recycle batteries properly, 100% of the battery can be used to make medicines, fertilizer, new batteries, new steel and plastic products.

We can do this together! Let’s recycle batteries today! Bring your batteries to school so we can SAVE OUR EARTH! Please cover the ends of the batteries with masking tape.



NEW! Reusable Mesh Produce Bags:

This is an initiative being organized by Mrs. Seiling’s enthusiastic Grade 2 students!  They are selling reusable produce bags with the goal of selling 5000 bags!

It’s plain to see how alternatives like this can affect the environment in positive ways, including:

  1. Encouraging a market for used plastics, which helps divert used packaging from landfills
  2. Reducing the amount of petroleum resources needed to make throw-away produce bags
  3. Reducing the amount of plastics from filling our landfill, ditches, rivers, lakes, and oceans
  4. Encouraging grocery stores to think differently about the plastic packaging they push on consumers and ultimately into landfills (many of the single-use plastics do not or cannot be recycled)

It estimated that an average Canadian household uses 250 single-use produce bags annually. Now you can choose to use a mere 5 bags.



NEW! Staples Recycling Markers & Writing Utensils:

In September, staff and students have started recycling markers, pens, and other writing utensils.  Boxes are found throughout the school.  Check out our first shipment that was picked up by Staples!  Special thanks to Sara Sacrey for spearheading this initiative!

Boomerang Lunches:

Students are Riverside follow the “Boomerang Lunch” program to minimize the amount of garbage being used and brought into the school.  Students are encouraged to use reusable containers and to take compost home.  Nothing is to go into the garbage! It also helps parents see what kids are or aren’t eating in their lunches!


Blue Bin Recycling & Green Bin Recycling (paper towels): 

We continue to offer Blue and Green Bin Recycling options at Riverside.  A crew of dedicated Grade 4, 5, and 6 students collect blue and green bin recycling twice a week.  They also do “green” talks to classrooms including what goes in the blue/green bins and what doesn’t! Go Team Green!