Extreme heat is expected through most of the week of June 17th, with forecasted daytime temperatures over 30 degrees Celsius and forecasted humidex values over 40. Hot and humid air can also bring deteriorating air quality, which can cause symptoms such as coughing and throat irritation. We always ensure that we are monitoring the weather and if the weather is too hot we will reduce or eliminate the time our students spend outside. Please ensure your child is prepared for the weather. Our School Board Policy is listed below:

Nutrition breaks, off-campus trips and other outdoor activities can take place, provided that:

  • Students and staff are encouraged to drink plenty of water, avoid strenuous activity and seek shade whenever possible.

  • Students and staff are reminded to wear loose-fitting, light-weight, light-coloured clothing made of breathable fabric, sunscreen and a hat when outdoors.
  • Staff are familiar with the effects of heat illness and know how to respond in the event that a student or staff member exhibits symptoms of heat exhaustion or heat stroke (see this link).

  • Administrators consider reducing or rescheduling strenuous outdoor activities if students or staff begin to experience symptoms as a result of poorer air quality; air quality conditions can be monitored by visiting Air Quality Health Index – Next 24 Hours.


Mrs. Trudeau,
