September, 3, 2021


Dear Families

We are excited to welcome you to the 2021/22 school year, on Tuesday, September 7th. We look forward to greeting those students who will return to in person learning. We wish those families who chose remote learning a wonderful school year. 

Important information for the the first week of school:

  • To find out who your child/ren teacher is for this year please log in to School Day. (Saturday)
  • Please print out the WRDSB Student Screening Confirmation it is required to be brought with you on the first day and for the first two weeks of school. 
  • After a good night’s sleep, complete your child/ren’s Ontario’s School Screening Tool in the morning.  
  • We are asking families to continue minimizing the items brought to school
    • Indoor shoes
    • Lunch and a labelled reusable water bottle in a backpack
    • Extra masks in case of soiling (if required, the school will provide)
    • Primary teachers are asking that students don’t bring school supplies until after the first day as teacher will provide a list of needed items
    • Junior students may bring personal school supplies (pencil case, pencils, crayons, markers, calculator)
  • Students are to arrive no earlier than 8:55 am, as that is when supervision begins. 
  • I know students will be excited to see their friends but we ask that they go directly to their class line up
  • Classroom teachers will have signs to indicate where their class lines up
  • The weather forecast for Tuesday is rain.  As we cannot provide early entry, arrival at school should be as close to the school start time (9:10 am) as possible.
  • Everyone must wear a mask while on school grounds (parent/guardian/students)
  • To limit contact, we ask that only one parent/guardian come on school property for drop off and pickup
  • Staff will be on the tarmac to help students find their class and prepare for entry.  
  • Parents/guardians are asked to leave the property once your child/ren are with their teacher
  • For student safety there is no parking in the school parking lot, in front of the school or on the dead end road beside the school parking lot


Please visit our school website for more information about nutrition break times, expectations and our attendance website and phone number.


Riverside staff are very excited to see your child/ren on Tuesday, September 7, 2021 at 9:10. Have a great weekend.


Mrs. Lynda Trudeau,
