May 16th, 2014
- Now that the warm weather has arrived it is important that we review our school dress code. We encourage you to help your child to make good decisions about what to wear to school. Appropriate clothes for school …
- Are comfortable and conducive to student learning.
- Are not distracting to others.
- Do not contribute to behaviour which challenges our school expectations of respect, responsibility and safety.
- Fit well.
This means …
- Shorts, skirts and dresses should be fingertip length or longer when standing.
- Clothing should be modest with no bare midriffs.
- T-shirts should not have suggestive or offensive logos or inappropriate sayings or pictures.
- Shoulder straps should be a minimum of 2 fingers wide.
- No underwear of any kind should be showing.
- Hats may not be worn in school.
If a student is dressed inappropriately he/she will be required to change their clothes. These guidelines may be changed for groups or individuals at the discretion of the principal.
Thank you for your help and should you have any questions or concerns please speak to Mr. Hatcher.